Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sleep is a gift from God too!

This may come as a surprise to my family and friends, but I am not a morning person. I know, I know, I am always so cheerful in the morning, right???  I should be on Good Morning, America!  Maybe this isn't completely true....I'm not sure I hide my disdain for getting out of bed so well...  As soon as he hears me stirring, my husband pours the coffee and holds it outstretched, looking at the ground, avoiding eye contact...I thought he was just being sweet, but it may be due to my winning morning attitude....

Mornings are a blessing from God, so why do I have such a hard time with them???  Well, one reason is, I am a night owl.  I get it from my mom. I do believe we both could clean an entire house, finish a school project and write a blog all after 8 pm!  This, however, does not make for a chipper morning. My husband looks at me like I'm crazy when I get a burst of energy when he is ready for sleep.  I would rather tackle a big project after I put the kids to bed, he would rather start it before they wake up!  Over the years we have learned to split it up when we can. He takes morning shift, I take the evening.

I have had people try to make me feel guilty for liking/needing sleep and/or staying up late and then sleeping in, but I'm over it now. This is how I function. However, I will admit, there have been times I have gotten up early and experienced a beautiful sunrise, time with God before the kids are up, prayer time with my man, and extra coffee!

Therefore, in the spirit of reinvention I am going to be transparent with you. All you crazy morning people, don't judge me!  This summer, I will (try) to actually be out of bed by 8 am. You thought I was going to say 6 am, but let's not get crazy, it is summer, after all!!!  Stephen will already be up, (how did I marry a morning person???:). We want to have our bible study and prayer time together, in the mornings this summer. We want to have time together to plan, pray and talk alone and with our boys. They will be in on family bible study too. We usually do this in the evenings, but we are going to attempt mornings!

Stephen wants to workout in the mornings too, but let's take this one sleepy step at a time...  And, thank you Stephen, for loving your night-owl!

Sleep is a blessing too!
Ecclesiastes 5:12
People who work hard, sleep well!

Psalm 143:8
Let me hear from your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you.  Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.